Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Komori Legacy: Generation One | Chapter 2 Part 2: Kids Galore!

Welcome back to part two of chapter two of the first Generation! Boy, that's a mouthful. Maybe I should just name my chapters 1.2 Part whatever.

While Cetus was playing in his room, Rae and Alejandro had been lounging on the bed when Rae felt a strange, but familiar sensation. As she got up from the bed, thinking that maybe she just needed to use the bathroom, she began to see those first signs of pregnancy.

Rae: How...Alejandro and I didn't...

Oh, yes you did and let me tell you, I wasn't very happy. This is what I get for putting ACR in this game. Oh well, now you're going to have to live with it.

Rae flopped back down on the bed to vent at Alejandro.

Rae: Three kids? We barely have enough room for the two we have now! 

Alejandro: Well, it's a good thing the creator is putting all those new additions onto the house. We could probably turn the nursery into a third children's bedroom once our youngest gets older.

Rae: I guess you're right, and it's not like I haven't done this two other times already. I hope this one at least has my hair.

Me too, Rae. Me too.

Alejandro got up to try out the new exercise bike the family had bought, even though he didn't need the exercise. 

Alejandro: Thinking about any names right now?

Rae: If we're still going with that silly constellation naming theme, I'm thinking Draco if it's a boy and Delphinus if it's a girl. Delphy for short.

Alejandro: Hopefully our grandkids won't be named after whales, eagles, dolphins, or dragons.

Rae: *chuckles* Complain to the creator about that, not me.

To "punish" Alejandro for complaining about my Generation two naming scheme, he was sent to start painting Rae's portrait. 

Rae: Why can't you just do one of those custom paintings of us or at least use that camera from the Artist Track.

Because I keep forgetting to put a picture into the Customs folder and I don't like the quality of the camera too much. So, portraits it is!

Seriously though, I will try to do custom paintings of the heirs and heiresses in the future just for some diversity.

Soon, Rae wasn't feeling so well and went into the bedroom for a nap, but was soon up again with the first signs of her third baby coming.

Rae: *pant pant* No more after this, please!

Don't worry. I'll be making sure of that.

I had to exit without saving three times. I know I put in a mod that made all hair colours and eye colours dominant, but I at least wanted one child with Rae's black hair. 

Rae: Looks like you're going to be Draco, little one. 

Draco has slightly darker skintone than both of his siblings. It'll be exciting to see who he grows up to look like. At least there hasn't been any firstborn effects in this generation.

Also, I downloaded baby hairs for all hair colours, but for some reason only the black is showing up? I have no idea what that's about. 

The first thing Draco did, like his siblings before him, was cry out in hunger. So, Rae took him into the nursery for a bottle. 

I will say that Draco was nowhere near as demanding as his two siblings when they were babies.

Draco was put down for a nap and Rae went outside to start tending to the garden that had been built for the family. 

Rae: Don't see why I have to do this. I hate gardening. 

Oh hush, I see that want to get a bronze gardening badge. Besides, freshly picked produce is so much better in food.

Rae: Fine, but can we at least get a few fruit trees?

When you and your husband earn a little more money, we'll see about getting a fruit orchard on the property.

Once again, when I wasn't paying attention, Aquila became a child. Both she and her brother look a lot like their dad with only a few of their mom's features. Alejandro throws some strong genetics. I don't mind though, because he and Rae have made cute kids so far!

First thing Aquila did after aging was go and find her brother. 

Aquila: Want to go jump on mom our beds for a little while before school?

Cetus: Boy, do I!

Luckily, the school bus came before they could go do that.

When Cetus got home that afternoon, Rae was waiting to help him with his homework. 

Cetus: Mom, this is hard! I hate math!

Rae: Everyone does, but you have to learn it. Now, what's 2x4?

After his homework was finished, Cetus wanted to learn how to play chess, so Rae taught him the basics of a game. But she could see that his mind was also elsewhere.

Cetus: Mom? What's a legacy family? I heard some of the kids at school call me a legacy brat.

Rae: *sighs* I'd say those kids are the ones who are the brats, but we can only blame their parents for not raising them right. 

Cetus: So, I'm not a brat?

Rae: *laughs* Only in the best ways, sometimes. No, a legacy family is a family that can trace their lineage back several generations to put it simply. 

Cetus: But can't a lot of families do that? Aren't we no different?

Rae was astounded at her son's intelligence. She  smiled as she detected a Knowledge sim in him in the future, even just secondary.

Rae: You're right, but there are certain rules that make us different from other families. Such as, an heir being chosen to carry on the family lineage. After college, the heir moves back into the family home and takes over as matriarch or patriarch and that continues to the next Generation and so on and so forth.

In her bedroom, Alejandro was explaining the same thing about heirs and spares while playing house with Aquila. 

Aquila: "But what happens to the spares? Does this mean they don't get to have babies too?

Alejandro: Not at all. Spares are just as important to carrying on the lineage as the heir is. The only difference is that spares aren't expected to come back and live at the main house, unless they want to. Plus, spares get a nice little financial bonus that heirs don't get.

Aquila: being a spare is better?

Alejandro: I'd say it is. They also don't age, unless the Creator wants it to happen. Or they age much more slowly than the heir.

Aquila: I don't know if I want to get married though. Can't I help the family out in other ways?

Alejandro: I'm sure you could. No one ever said you had to eventually get married and have kids.

Don't worry, Alej. I definitely have a few plans for Aquila.

A werewolf showed up outside, so Alejandro went to greet him. His name was Shouji, I think. Well, better than something like Peanut.

He made a beeline straight for Aquila's room and began destroying her bed. 

Aquila: Dad! Make him stop!

Alejandro: Bad dog! Very bad dog! 

Alejandro did try to give him a second chance, but after he started chewing up the couch, Shouji was shooed away and hasn't come back since.

Aquila loved being center of attention and was always showing off, especially in front of her brother.

Aquila: Betcha can't do this!

Cetus: Neat! And betcha I can!

Alejandro had a bit of free time and now the family had snap dragons placed around the house. So, he completed Rae's portrait. 

Rae: You'd better not give me a unibrow.

Alejandro: *jokingly* But it looks so good on you.

Rae: Haha. Better hope I don't give you a huge schnozz.

It turned out really good if I do say so, myself. I ended up putting it in the spare room until they could get a proper portrait room built.

Alejandro got a bad chance card and was demoted back to level eight of his Education Career. There was also trash on the ground from rude jerks kicking the can over. After composting the contents, he was sent back to work to try and get promoted again.

This also happened, but luckily it was raining at the time. So, the fire was put out as quickly as it started.

Cetus came home from school, not looking too happy about his grades.

Cetus: The teacher says I need to work harder. 

Then you should probably go do your homework if you want to get better grades.

Cetus managed to finish his homework quickly enough, but then complained that he wasn't having nearly any fun.

Cetus: It's so boring! I hate doing this everyday!

Sorry to tell you, but just wait until you get to college. Primary school will seem like a cakewalk then.

Aquila finished her own homework. But instead of complaining, she immediately found something fun to do on her own and began painting. 

Aquila: Plus I'm learning a skill at the same time. So, this means I'm being productive, right?


Cetus finally stopped complaining long enough to start playing on the activity table in the nursery. I really love when my sims can do something fun that helps them learn skills as well.

Rae: *streams of curses* I don't know why I have to do this. Can't we just call a repairman?

Nope. You have maxed our Mechanical points. You're perfectly capable of fixing it.

Rae: Oh, but you had no problem calling a maid and gardener. 

They're much more beneficial and you need all the help you can get keeping the house clean and garden tended to.

Draco became a toddler and was already showing signs of looking much more different than his older siblings. He definitely has Alejandro's eyeshape. He's a Pisces like his sister and father and his personality is 6, 5, 9, 3, 9, which is almost similar to Aquila's, but he's just a bit more active and nicer.

Rae took a break from working out to teach her youngest how to walk.

Rae: I am kind of going to miss this?

You are not having another one!

Rae: Pffft, please. I'm not that desperate. 

Whew, but if Alejandro had ever rolled the want to meet aliens, then I might be tempted by an alien baby. But maybe next generation.

Draco learned his other skills fairly quickly and was soon plopped down in front of the activity table near a snap dragon to play for a little while. 

I don't like to say that the kids have a favourite parent, but Draco was always rolling wants to be talked to by Rae or snuggled by her. I don't think he was rolling any wants for his dad. 

Rae: He's just a bit more particular, that's all. 

This is true for some babies. When I was little, I always wanted attention from my dad more than my mom. But my sister was the other way around and hated being away from our mom, even for a few minutes.

Rae soon had to return to work to start earning that paycheck again and helping contribute to the household funds. So, she took a risk by hiring a nanny. Of course, my game likes giving me two. I was afraid that it would be a disaster, but they actually did a good job. Then again, aside from sleeping, all of Draco's needs were constantly maxed thanks to the snapdragon. So, they pretty much cleaned up around the house and snuggled him a few times. 

At least Draco looks happy that he got two nannies for the price of one, haha!

Welcome home, Aquila. Now, after you finish your homework, your mom wants both you and your brother to take baths and put on the formalwear she bought you.

Aquila: But why?

The headmaster is coming over later and your dad is going to try and get you two into private school. 

Aquila: But I don't want to leave all of my friends!

The private school is right down the street from the public school. So, you'll still be able to see your old friends. Now, please do as your mom and I ask.

How're you doing in here, Rae?

Rae: I'd be doing much better if you weren't standing over me.

Well, sorry, but you are cooking Lobster Thermidor. Even the best cooks with ten cooking points like you have tend to always burn it.

While Rae was preparing dinner, the headmaster arrived and Alejandro went outside to greet him.

Alejandro: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alec.

Alec: Likewise, I look forward to touring your home and getting to know you and your family.

The headmaster had fully expected to come inside to the house looking like a complete dump with no wallpapers and the cheapest furniture imaginable. The founders of these legacies rarely ever succeeded in getting their children into Private School. But he was pleasantly surprised with the state of the house. Even the cheaper pieces of furniture had been reupholstered to look brand new and went well with the more expensive furnishings.

Alec: Mr. Komori, I'm impressed. You might not have the most expensive furnishings available, but you've still managed to create a lovely home. 

Alejandro: Thank you, sir. We do our best to make our home look nice, but still remain frugal with our spending.

The family wasn't really hungry, but the headmaster preferred eating by himself. It was easy for him to consider whether or not to admit hopeful children. Even if he hadn't spoken to them yet, he had observed them throughout his tour of the house.

They both seemed like bright and cleancut young children. He was pleased that they entertained themselves with a quiet game of redhands, rather than that dreadful and loud game of cops and robbers that children were playing these days. He was pleased to announce that Cetus and Aquila were accepted into his private school and they would start first thing on Monday.

After the headmaster left, Rae and Alejandro cleaned the kitchen and dining room, while the two kids went outside to look at the stars. 

Cetus: That was easier than I thought! I don't think mom and dad needed to go through all that trouble.

Aquila: Yeah...maybe we won't really have to dress up when the headmaster comes back for Draco to be put into Private School.

Cetus: I don't know why the headmaster couldn't have admitted him earlier. Why does he have to come back?

Aquila: Adults are weird, sometimes.

Alejandro's portrait was finished and put up right next to Rae's. I'm going to be so sad when these two go. But I'm also excited for the next generation to take over, eventually.

The next morning, the children were tasked with studying their skills for a little while. Aquila wanted to learn a little bit about cooking. So, she grabbed one of the books from the shelf and sat down to read.

Cetus had taken a liking to chess, now that he knew the rules and had proven to be a quick learner.

Cetus: Hey, mom? Can we go bowling after? Aquila and I don't want to stay home and study all day.

Rae: I was actually thinking the same thing. 

Go for it. You guys have been cooped up in here long enough. It's time for you to go out and do stuff as a family.

The nanny was called to come over to watch Draco for a few hours while the rest of the family headed to one of the bowling alleys. Cetus and Aquila tried to start up a game of cops and robbers right in the middle of the street.

Alejandro: Kids, come away from the street, please. It's dangerous. 

Aquila: But you're in the street, too.

Alejandro: *chuckles* Good point. Come on, your mom is waiting.

The family sat down at one of the unused lanes and Cetus ran into one of his classmates at school, Mary Lum. 

Cetus: Hey! Wanna bowl with us? I don't think my mom and dad would mind too much.

Mary: No, it's okay. I'm here with my own family, actually. 

She waved at her parents, who waved back and smiled at Cetus.

Aquila: Cetus, are you going to play, or not?

Alejandro: Aquila, leave your brother alone. 

Aquila: *sigh* Okay, Dad. 

Mary soon had to join her parents again and Cetus went up to grab his ball.

Aquila: Finally! It's been your turn for twenty minutes now!

Alejandro: Aquila, enough. If I hear one more complaint about your brother, who has done nothing wrong, you won't get to bowl anymore. 

But even though Aquila stopped complaining about her brother, other things soon took his place. 

Aquila: It's too hard! Why can't I knock down the pins?

Rae and Alejandro exchanged looks with each other, trying to remain patient.

Rae: You're not going to get it on the first or even second try, sweetie. Just try to have fun with it.

Alejandro: And stop that complaining. People are staring.

Aquila might have stopped her complaints if Rae hadn't gotten a strike right afterwards and started doing her happy dance.

Aquila: *claps sarcastically* I guess the ball only likes older people.

Alejandro: Right, that's enough. Everyone pack up your things. We're leaving now!

On their way to the taxi, Aquila whined.

Aquila: I promise I'll be good, Dad! Please, can't we go back inside?

Alejandro: I warned you a few times. Maybe next time you'll choose to have fun rather than complain whenever you can't knock down any pins. 

*Truthfully, Alejandro was starting to feel tired and that's the real reason I sent to family home. But I thought this reason sounded better. But please don't give too many negative comments about Aquila. All kids go through that complaining stage and she'll grow out of it, eventually.*

This little girl on the other hand is a brat and deserves a good kick in the pants. Yeah, that's right Baron. You tell her! 

Rae and Alejandro were still very much in love after all these years and were always doing things like this. But they seemed to have learned their lesson about trying for babies autonomously and haven't been doing in since. 

Draco really loved his rabbit head toy and was constantly playing with it. Although, playing with it normally meant hitting it against the floor each time it made a noise.

Aquila had been trying to be nicer after her attitude at the bowling alley and had rolled more wants to learn how to cook. 

Aquila: Why doesn't mom sleep in her bed?

She's probably too tired to move. I know I have those days where I plan on just resting my eyes on the couch and end up sleeping for a few hours. Then again, my couch has a double chaise, which is really comfortable. So, it's kind of impossible not to fall asleep on it.

Rae ended up getting the reward from her Gamer job and Cetus took a big liking to it. So did I, since it lets you earn money constantly.

Alejandro soon took over for his son.

Alejandro: See? You have to try and get the ball into those little buildings for extra points.

Cetus: Ohhhhh.

Rae finally got a Golden Gardening badge and was now able to talk to her plants to keep them thriving. 

Rae: Can you believe the creator has forgotten that we did try for baby again without her noticing until it was too late.

Actually, I didn't forget. I just haven't mentioned it because there was no lullaby and you haven't shown any signs of pregnancy. So, I take it that it was a failure, thankfully.

I came back inside to find Cetus playing with his little brother. 

Draco: Horsie!

Cetus: You want the horsie, don't you?

Cetus: Sike! It's my horse!

Draco: Wahhhhhh!

Cetus James Komori! You apologise to your brother right now!

Cetus knelt down to give his little brother a kiss.

Cetus: I'm sorry, you can have the horsie.

This was probably one of the only times I saw Cetus be mean to his brother like that. He's actually a very nice kid, despite his lack of nice points.

Both of the kids wanted to paint. So, I bought a second easel to set up in Cetus' room so that he could paint along with his sister. I think they got to level five here. 

Alejandro called up a few of his old college friends that he hadn't talked to in a long time. 

Poor Rae wanted to catch a few bugs for her son, but ended up suffering for it and being chased by bees.


Alejandro is such a good dad and autonomously tucked in his two kids. I don't have to really force the parents to do interactions with their kids. In fact, most of everything has been autonomous.

This chapter ends with the very first appearance of the burglar. But this is when my game crashed and I lost just a little bit of progress. This was also when my game started having problems and I didn't realise the neighborhood was corrupted until later.

The next few chapters won't be nearly this long, fortunately. Hope everyone enjoyed and until then, Happy simming! 

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